Thursday, February 22, 2007

removing the poles

Parshat T'rumah

When describing the construction specifications of the Aron, the Torah says poles must be made to carry the Aron and placed in the rings on the side of the Aron. In 25:15 it says, "בטבעות הארון יהיו הבדים לא יסורו ממנו" - in the rings of the aron will be placed the poles, they should not be removed from it. Rashi adds "Forever" meaning the poles have to remain forever in the rings of the aron.

This means there is always going to be a prohibition against one removing them, even when the aron is sitting in the Beit Hamikdash and is not in transit.

What is the purpose of the poles during this majority of the time where the aron is not in transit? Why are they so important that there is a specific issur against removing them?

Furthermore, why require such an issur when physically they were constructed in a way that made them impossible to remove (the tips were wider than the size of the ring, so there was no way the poles could be removed)?

Why are these poles so important?

Do you have any thoughts on this?


David Guttmann said...

Is it symbolic that Torah has to be carried as an Ol rather than just worshipped?

that reminds me of Prof Leibowitz AH describing Bnei Brak as the new Avodah Zara. Insread of worshipping God they worship Torah.

Rafi G. said...

could be. I was thinking something along those lines - the symbolism of the Torah being carried, even when it is still.

Anonymous said...


first, one has to accept that rashi was correct.

second, even if rashi was correct, the poles were made of wood and wood rots or warps or cracks,so perhaps he meant, regardless of what occurs witht thepoles they are to remain...although a rotted pole staying is goofy, I imagine it waould be treated like a pasul torah and buried.

third, perhaps they were afraid if the poles were removed they would be misplaced or stolen.